Cleveland Industrial Photographer captures on location industrial photography of ceramic processing facility.
Going in to capture images in an industrial location can provide a wealth of challenges. Industrial photography often takes place in demanding environments where adherence to safety regulations are critical. Having a commitment to safety, a firm grasp of onsite requirements along with the proper PPE, enables Clients to maintain a comfort level during operations, which allows them to focus on what’s important and not have to be concerned about potential disruptions.
In addition to safety, there are an abundance of obstacles that need to be taken into account when photographing in an industrial environment. Lighting, operations, personnel, overall environmental conditions, etc, etc… and then there’s the little things that can totally wreck the day. For example; going into an industrial ceramic manufacturing or processing facility. It all sounds pretty straight forward, but there is a sneaky little equipment destroyer lurking everywhere… ceramic dust!
You would think that something a simple as a little dust would be completely harmless, but you would be wrong. Ceramic dust is one of those things that gets everywhere, even if you don’t touch the stuff. Additionally, it seems to be nearly impossible to get off without a strong (and careful) dose of compressed air. While conventional wisdom would dictate that you just wipe if off as you go along, that would be the point at which you’re potentially ruining thousands of dollars of photo equipment. Ceramic dust might appear to be all soft and fluffy, but it’s actually abrasive to camera equipment… especially to optics and sensors. Having a keen understanding of not only the task at hand, but of your surrounding elements, can be the difference between a successful photo shoot or a costly learning experience.
Once safety protocols have been fulfilled and all the “what ifs” have been addressed, the fun really begins… getting great images! Having an understanding of the unique challenges and requirements in these environments is a must to be able to produce compelling imagery that not only showcases the facility but to also highlight it’s intricate processes and/or what goes into manufacturing their product. This requires having a specialized knowledge in industrial photography and a strong creative vision, both of which are vital in effectively communicating a Client’s strengths and capabilities to their potential customers… as the visual representation of a company’s operations can significantly impact brand perception and marketing efforts that resonate with their target audience.